Собсно проблема такая. Есть серв на фряхе. На него написал скриптик, который использует imagettftext. Шрифт я поставил arial.ttf. Локально все работает, а на серве пишет, мол не найден шрифт. Как его прописать?
а как ты его загружаешщь-то? =) Код (Text): fontfile The path to the TrueType font you wish to use. Depending on which version of the GD library PHP is using, when fontfile does not begin with a leading / then .ttf will be appended to the filename and the library will attempt to search for that filename along a library-defined font path. When using versions of the GD library lower than 2.0.18, a space character, rather than a semicolon, was used as the 'path separator' for different font files. Unintentional use of this feature will result in the warning message: Warning: Could not find/open font. For these affected versions, the only solution is moving the font to a path which does not contain spaces.
Код (Text): imagettftext($img, 28+rand(0,8), -20+rand(0, 40), ($i+0.3)*22.2, 50+rand(0, 10), $colors[$i], 'arial.ttf', $code{$i});