Нужно сделать маску: чтобы отображалась только часть изображения (внутри прямоугольника с закругленными углами). Помогите плиз.
imagecopymerge — Copy and merge part of an image Вот пример использования. Код (Text): function watermark($sourcefile, $watermarkfile) { # # $sourcefile = Filename of the picture to be watermarked. # $watermarkfile = Filename of the 24-bit PNG watermark file. # //Get the resource ids of the pictures $watermarkfile_id = imagecreatefrompng($watermarkfile); imageAlphaBlending($watermarkfile_id, false); imageSaveAlpha($watermarkfile_id, true); $fileType = strtolower(substr($sourcefile, strlen($sourcefile)-3)); switch($fileType) { case('gif'): $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefromgif($sourcefile); break; case('png'): $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefrompng($sourcefile); break; default: $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile); } //Get the sizes of both pix $sourcefile_width=imageSX($sourcefile_id); $sourcefile_height=imageSY($sourcefile_id); $watermarkfile_width=imageSX($watermarkfile_id); $watermarkfile_height=imageSY($watermarkfile_id); $dest_x = ( $sourcefile_width / 2 ) - ( $watermarkfile_width / 2 ); $dest_y = ( $sourcefile_height / 2 ) - ( $watermarkfile_height / 2 ); // if a gif, we have to upsample it to a truecolor image if($fileType == 'gif') { // create an empty truecolor container $tempimage = imagecreatetruecolor($sourcefile_width, $sourcefile_height); // copy the 8-bit gif into the truecolor image imagecopy($tempimage, $sourcefile_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sourcefile_width, $sourcefile_height); // copy the source_id int $sourcefile_id = $tempimage; } imagecopy($sourcefile_id, $watermarkfile_id, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $watermarkfile_width, $watermarkfile_height); //Create a jpeg out of the modified picture switch($fileType) { // remember we don't need gif any more, so we use only png or jpeg. // See the upsaple code immediately above to see how we handle gifs case('png'): header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng ($sourcefile_id); break; default: header("Content-type: image/jpg"); imagejpeg ($sourcefile_id); } imagedestroy($sourcefile_id); imagedestroy($watermarkfile_id); }