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Вернуться к: DB_NestedSet
Introduction – Introduction to DB_NestedSet
With this package, one can easily create trees with infinite depth inside a relational database. The package provides a way to
create/update/delete nodes
query nodes, trees and subtrees
copy (clone) nodes, trees and subtrees
move nodes, trees and subtrees
An example
Creates some root and subnodes
In this example, one rootnode and two subnodes are created, saved to the database and displayed.
require_once 'DB/NestedSet.php';
require_once 'DB/NestedSet/Output.php';
require_once 'HTML/Menu.php';
$DatabasePointer = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pwd");
mysql_select_db("database", $DatabasePointer);
$dsn = 'mysql://user:pwd@localhost/database';
// needed colums in table:
$params = array(
'id' => 'id',
'parent_id' => 'rootid',
'left_id' => 'l',
'right_id' => 'r',
'order_num' => 'norder',
'level' => 'level',
'name' => 'name',
$nestedSet =& DB_NestedSet::factory('DB', $dsn, $params);
'node_table' => 'nested_set',
'lock_table' => 'nested_set_locks',
'secondarySort' => 'name',
$parent = $nestedSet->createRootNode(array('name' =>'root 1'), false, true);
$nestedSet->createSubNode($parent, array('name' => 'node 1.1'));
$nestedSet->createSubNode($parent, array('name' =>'node 1.2'));
$data = $nestedSet->getAllNodes(true);
foreach ($data as $id => $node) {
$data[$id]['url'] = 'index.php?nodeID=' . $node['id'];
$params = array(
'structure' => $data,
'titleField' => 'name',
'urlField' => 'url');
$output =& DB_NestedSet_Output::factory($params, 'Menu');
$structure = $output->returnStructure();
$menu = & new HTML_Menu($structure, 'sitemap');
Вернуться к: DB_NestedSet