Using addFilter
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In this example we use Console_Table::addFilter() to colorize our table cells according to their value. Colorization is very easy using PEAR's Console_Color package. Just make sure you set the "color" parameter of Console_Color's constructor - otherwise you will see weird column widths.
After filling our table object with headers and data, we add an output filter by specifying a callback function. The first parameter to addFilter is the column number that shall be formatted, beginning with 0. Due to backwards compatibility with PHP4, addFilter requires a variable as second parameter, even if you just want to specfiy a simple function name.
We also have Console_Table align the "Profit" column right so that the commas are aligned equally.
require_once 'Console/Table.php';
require_once 'Console/Color.php';
//those could come e.g. from database
$data = array(
array(2001, 128.23),
array(2002, 256.42),
array(2003, 10.21),
array(2004, -25.79),
array(2005, 0),
array(2006, 982.12),
//prepare table
$tbl = new Console_Table(
1, null,
true//this is important when using Console_Color
array('Year', 'Profit')
//add filter callback to colorize our profit column values
$callback = 'colorize';
$tbl->addFilter(1, $callback);
//Values should be aligned right
echo $tbl->getTable();
* Wraps Console color codes around $value,
* depending if its larger or smaller 0.
* @param float $value Value (column 1)
* @return string Colorful value
function colorize($value)
$str = number_format($value, 2, ',', '');
if ($value < 0) {
return Console_Color::convert('%r' . $str . '%n');
} else if ($value == 0) {
return $str;
} else {
return Console_Color::convert('%g' . $str . '%n');
The code above creates the following output, except that "Profit" values larger than 0 are colored in green, while the ones smaller zero are in red.
| Year | Profit |
| 2001 | 128,23 |
| 2002 | 256,42 |
| 2003 | 10,21 |
| 2004 | -25,79 |
| 2005 | 0,00 |
| 2006 | 982,12 |
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