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Вернуться к: DB_DataObject


->insert() – Insert current objects variables into database


mixed $DB_DataObject->insert ( )

Insert the data into the database, based on the variable values of the current object and returns the ID of the inserted element if sequences or primary keys are being used. The values are correctly quoted, and some limited type checking is done.

With mysql, the mysql_next_id() method is used, on other databases, PEAR DB sequence method is used.

Note, insert() may not return the ID correctly in quite a few situations:

  • If the database backend does not support it.

  • The generator did not correctly flag the correct column as autoincrement/nextval

  • An error occured (turn on debugging to see it)

  • The insert failed or '0' rows where affected.

Return value

mixed - Id or key


Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Meaning Solution
DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_INVALIDCONFIG "insert:No table definition for $table"
DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_NODATA "insert: No Data specifed for query"
DB_* * see PEAR::DB see PEAR::DB


This function can not be called statically.


Simple insert

= new DataObjects_Person;
$id $person->insert();

Resulting SQL

(nameVALUES ('fred');

Вернуться к: DB_DataObject

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