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Вернуться к: DB_DataObject


->update() – Update objects variables into database


int $DB_DataObject->update ( dataobject|boolean $original|$useWhere )

Updates current objects variables into the database. if you supply it with a dataObject, as an argument, it will only update the differences between the new and old.

if called with DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY as the argument, the update request is built based on the whereAdd values, rather than the primary key. This enables global updates to be performed, rather than single row ones.


  • DataObject $original - if provided the update query will be built from the difference between the current and original dataobject.

Return value

int number of rows affected or FALSE on failure


Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Meaning Solution
DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_INVALIDCONFIG "update:No table definition for $table"
DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_NODATA "update: No Data specifed for query $settings"


This function can not be called statically.


Simple fetch and update

= new DataObjects_Person;

$person = new DataObjects_Person;
$original = clone($person); // clone is emulated in php4 for compatibility reasons. 

Resulting SQL

SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = 12
UPDATE person SET name='fred', age='21', eyes='blue' WHERE id = 12

SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = 12
UPDATE person SET name='fred'  WHERE id = 12

Simple fetch and update

= new DataObjects_Person;
$person->whereAdd('age > 21');

Resulting SQL

SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = 12;
UPDATE person SET removed=1 WHERE age > 21

Вернуться к: DB_DataObject

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