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Вернуться к: File_Fstab


Introduction – Introduction to File_Fstab.

This package allows you to read, manipulate, and write fstab-format files, such as /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, and /proc/mounts.


Getting the filesystem type of the root device.

require_once 'File/Fstab.php';

$fstab =& new File_Fstab();

$root =& $fstab->getEntryForPath('/');
"Root FS type: " $root->fsType "\n";

Determine if a user may mount the CD-ROM

The user option in your fstab determines whether users may mount a given device or not.

require_once 'File/Fstab.php';

$fstab =& new File_Fstab();

$cd =& $fstab->getEntryForDevice('/dev/cdrom');
if (
$cd->hasOption('user')) {
"Users may mount the CD-ROM\n";
} else {
"Users may not mount the CD-ROM\n";

Вернуться к: File_Fstab

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