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Вернуться к: File_Passwd_Common


Childs – Classes that extend File_Passwd_Common and their inherited methods

Classes that extend File_Passwd_Common
Class Summary
File_Passwd_Authbasic Manipulate AuthUserFiles as used for HTTP Basic Authentication.
File_Passwd_Authdigest Manipulate AuthDigestFiles as used for HTTP Digest Authentication.
File_Passwd_Cvs Manipulate CVS pserver passwd files.
File_Passwd_Smb Manipulate SMB server passwd files.
File_Passwd_Unix Manipulate standard Unix passwd files.
File_Passwd_Custom Manipulate custom formatted passwd files.

List of inherited Methods

Inherited methods from File_Passwd_Common
Method Name Summary
File_Passwd_Common::delUser() Delete a certain user
File_Passwd_Common::getFile() Get path of passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::listUser() List user
File_Passwd_Common::load() Loads the file
File_Passwd_Common::parse() Parse the content of the file
File_Passwd_Common::save() Apply changes and rewrite passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::setFile() Set path to passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::userExists() Check if a certain user already exists
File_Passwd_Common::_auth() Base method for File_Passwd::staticAuth()
File_Passwd_Common::_close() Closes a prior opened and locked file handle
File_Passwd_Common::_open() Opens a file, locks it exclusively and returns the filehandle
File_Passwd_Common::_save() Save the modified content to the passwd file

Вернуться к: File_Passwd_Common

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