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Вернуться к: Gtk2_EntryDialog
Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple() – Simplified constructor with not so much parameters.
require_once 'Gtk2/EntryDialog.php';
Gtk2_EntryDialog Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple ( string $message , string $default = null , GtkWindow $parent = null )
Simplified constructor with not so much parameters.
Message type is Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, the flags will be Gtk::DIALOG_MODAL if the parent is set. Only one button, OK, will be visible.
require_once 'Gtk2/EntryDialog.php';
$id = Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple(
'What\'s your name?', //the message
'Don\'t know' //The default text
$answer = $id->run();
if ($answer == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
echo 'The name is: ';
} else {
echo "You cancelled\r\n";
- string $message
Message to display.
- string $default
Default text for the entry.
- GtkWindow $parent
Parent window (can be null).
Вернуться к: Gtk2_EntryDialog