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News – What is New in version ?

  • Initial PEAR public release occured at end of July 2003.

Version 0.3.x

  • Added the ability to parse CSS from string with HTML_CSS::parseString()

  • Added the ability to parse CSS from file with HTML_CSS::parseFile()

  • Added the ability to generate CSS and store it in a file with HTML_CSS::toFile()

  • Introduced error handling system with PEAR_ErrorStack.

  • Added unit tests with PHPUnit 1.x for API and bugs.

  • Retrieve the settings of individual properties

Version 1.0.x

  • Introduced a new error handling system: PEAR_ErrorStack was replaced by a simple way to plug in any error handling system you might want (default used PEAR_Error object)

  • HTML_CSS::apiVersion() returns now a string rather than a float; compatible with php.version_compare().

  • Added the ability to parse multiple data sources (filename, string) at once with HTML_CSS::parseData()

  • Added the ability to identify if HTML_CSS API output returns an error with HTML_CSS::isError()

  • Introduces package xml 2.0 and drop support of package xml 1.0

  • Unified API arguments for all group functions

  • Klaus Guenther (first package leader) became inactive.

Version 1.1.x

  • Added ability to search if an element/property is defined or not with HTML_CSS::grepStyle()

Version 1.2.x

Version 1.3.x

  • Prevent invalid CSS data source in to be parse

  • Add Content-Disposition to the headers in display() Implement request 12195

  • Remove pointless NEWS file from distribution, clone of ChangeLog.

Version 1.4.x

  • Upgrade requirement to PHP 4.3.0 and PEAR 1.5.4 (to avoid security vulnerability)

  • Coding Standard fixes: (errors/warnings) following recommandation by PHP_CodeSniffer

  • Unit test suites migrated from PHPUnit 1.x to 3.x

  • API 1.4.0 introduces new setter/getter PHP5 facility compatible (magic function __set, __get) for read/write CSS options.

  • Error handler allow now to use PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK (local to HTML_CSS) to customize action when an error/exception is raised. No more need to use global PEAR::setErrorHandling.

Version 1.5.x

  • Check validity of CSS data source to be parse using the W3C CSS validator service with help of package PEAR::Services_W3C_CSSValidator (require PHP5)

  • Ability to retrieve all options in effect at once with HTML_CSS::getOptions()

  • Add support of At-Rules Implement request 12194

  • Improve support of At-Rules. See bugs

    • 16354 Does not parse multiple simple At-rules properly

    • 16355 Simple at rules nested within other at rules are reported as top level at rules

    • 16357 Multiple equal complex at rules not parsed correctly

    • 16358 Multiple media types on media at rule not parsed correctly

    • 16359 Multiple selectors on a single rule inside a complex at rule not properly parsed

    • 16360 Multiple selectors inside a complex at rule not properly parsed

    HTML_CSS::createAtRule() signature changed. Add optional duplicates parameter to allow to handle two or more instance of a same @charset or @import or @namespace At-Rule. See HTML_CSS_TestSuite_Standard::testCreateAtRuleWithManyDefinitions for example.

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