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За последние 24 часа нас посетили 22304 программиста и 721 робот. Сейчас ищут 734 программиста ...


Вернуться к: Summary

  • ability to double click on either select box to move elements from one side to the other

  • added headers to the select boxes

  • ability to change layout easily, using CSS classes and a mini template

  • allows to change item size shown of each multiple select box

  • ability to manage one single list with checkboxes to solve problem if javascript is unavailable

  • ability to sort lists (by programming, or user-end handling)

  • display live counter (selected/unselected items count). Available since version 1.3.0

  • ability to use fancy attributes (disabled, CSS class and style) on both template mode (single or dual) and keep them on move. Available since version 1.5.0

  • add or remove persistant options (disabled attribute) at run-time. Available since version 1.5.0

Вернуться к: Summary

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