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News – What is New in version ?

  • add auto arrange feature (developer issue) asked by Jamie Alessio.

  • ability to manage (sort) list with two buttons (Up and Down)

Version 1.0.x

  • Add new example Basic 2 to demonstrate the db options loading feature with PEAR::DB and a MySQL database.

  • Include the first html version of a complete english guide for both beginners and expert users.

Version 1.1.x

  • Ability to select/unselect all items (options) in one stroke. You may also toggle a selection.

Version 1.2.x

  • Add toggle button ability to a dual multi-select boxes.

    Ability to toggle selection was only available for single select box shape since version 1.1.0

Version 1.3.x

  • New placeholders to display live counters (unselected, selected items).

Version 1.4.x

  • License change from PHP 3.01. to BSD.

  • Produces now XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant output

Version 1.5.x

  • remove dreprecated function (setJsElement) since version 1.3.0

  • rewrites JS in object literal notation (uses namespace)

  • add two new buttons to move up to top or down to bottom a selected item

  • add a minimized/compressed version of Javascript code

  • may now load options (class constructor, or load functions) with fancy attributes without additional code

  • options with fancy attributes are kept even if you move them (left right, up down)

  • setElementTemplate() function signature changed (but keep BC) : allow to use only one instance of javascript code

  • add or remove persistant options (disabled attribute) at run-time, with HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect::setPersistantOptions() .

  • PEAR_Error instance throws have now a level (exception or error) and a code identified by HTML_QUICKFORM_ADVMULTISELECT_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT constant

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