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Вернуться к: Standard HTML elements


HTML_QuickForm_select::load() – Loads options from different types of data sources


require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/select.php';

PEAR_Error HTML_QuickForm_select::load ( mixed &$options , mixed $param1 = null , mixed $param2 = null , mixed $param3 = null , mixed $param4 = null )

This method is a simulated overloaded method. The arguments, other than the first are optional and only mean something depending on the type of the first argument.

If the first argument is an array then all arguments are passed in order to loadArray(). If the first argument is a DB_Result then all arguments are passed in order to loadDbResult(). If the first argument is a string or a DB connection then all arguments are passed in order to loadQuery().


mixed &$options

Options source currently supports assoc array or DB_result

mixed $param1

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param2

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param3

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param4

(optional) See function detail

Return value

returns TRUE on success


throws PEAR_Error


since 1.1

This function can not be called statically.

Вернуться к: Standard HTML elements

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