Вернуться к: HTML_QuickForm
- QuickStart — A tutorial for HTML_QuickForm
- QuickHelp — Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions
- QuickForm element types — What elements can be added to QuickForm
- Migration to version 3.2 — API changes to observe
- Subpackages — An overview about subpackages and packages that use QuickForm
QuickForm is a convenience library for dealing with HTML forms. It provides Javascript and server-side form validation, and is customizable and extensible in many ways. QuickForm consists of multiple files. The main file is QuickForm.php and should be installed in your pear/HTML directory. The other important files are element.php, which handles all methods relative to form elements, and group.php, which deals with methods relative to groups of elements in the form. Both are located in your HTML/QuickForm directory along with the other form objects. input.php contains a common class for all the elements of input type (text, password...). QuickForm has objects for all the common form elements: select, text, password, checkbox, file, submit, reset, button, image, radio, hidden, textarea. QuickForm provides the possibility to create your own elements as long as you comply with the common API.
Вернуться к: HTML_QuickForm