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Вернуться к: HTML_Template_Flexy


flexy:foreach="variable,key,value" – creates a PHP foreach loop using a html attribute


Usage ( flexy:foreach="variable,key,value" , flexy:foreach="variable,value" )

creates a foreach loop, around the tag and close tag.


  • string variable - relates to $object->variable

  • string key - creates a variable 'key' in the current scope.

  • string value - optionally creates a variable 'value' in the current scope. (as in $key=>$value)


Setting variables for foreach

           $this->a = array(   "dog" => "cat",   "fire" => "water" );  $this->b = array('a','b','c');  $template->outputObject($this);

Foreach in template

    <table>   <tr flexy:foreach="a,k,v">     <td>k is {k}, and v is {v}</td>   </tr> </table> <table>   <tr flexy:foreach="b,v">     <td>v is {v}</td>   </tr> </table>

Compiled template

          <table>        <?php if (is_array($t->a)) foreach($t->a as $k => $v) { ?><tr>   <td>k is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->k); ?>, and v is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->v); ?></td>  </tr><?php } ?> </table> <table>        <?php if (is_array($t->b)) foreach($t->b as $v) { ?><tr>   <td>v is <?php echo htmlspecialchars($t->v); ?></td>  </tr><?php } ?> </table>

Simple ouput example

                 k is dog, v is cat k is fire, V is water    v is a v is b v is c

Вернуться к: HTML_Template_Flexy

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