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Вернуться к: HTML_Template_IT


HTML_Template_IT::parse() – parse a block


require_once 'HTML/Template/IT.php';

void HTML_Template_IT::parse ( string $block = "__global__" , boolean $flag_recursion = false )

Parses the defined block, performs all substitutions and appends the result to already parsed blocks.


  • string $block - block to parse. When not set the complete template is used.

  • boolean $flag_recursion - Used internally. Can be ignored

Return value

boolean - Returns TRUE if there was no placeholder to substitute, otherwise FALSE or IT_Error.


The template cvsnames.tpl.htm

 <html>  <table> <!-- BEGIN row -->   <tr>    <td>     {CVS_USERNAME}    </td>    <td>     {REALNAME}    </td>   </tr> <!-- END row -->  </table> </html>

The script

require_once "HTML/Template/IT.php";

$data = array
"0" => array("cvs_username" => "pajoye",
"realname" => "Pierre-Alain Joye"),
"1" => array("cvs_username" => "dsp",
"realname" => "David Soria Parra")

$tpl = new HTML_Template_IT("./templates");


$data as $name) {



// show() parses the __global__ block and
  // print the output



Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Reason Solution
IT_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND " Cannot find this block block " The given block does not exists. Check for typing mistakes in the argument.


This function can not be called statically.

Вернуться к: HTML_Template_IT

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