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Вернуться к: HTML_Template_Sigma


getBlockList() – Returns a list of blocks within a template.


require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

array HTML_Template_Sigma::getBlockList ( string $parent = '__global__' , bool $recursive = false )

Returns a list of blocks within a template.

If $recursive is FALSE, it returns just a 'flat' array of $parent's direct subblocks. If $recursive is TRUE, it builds a tree of template blocks using $parent as root. Tree structure is compatible with PEAR::Tree's Memory_Array driver.


string $parent

parent block name

boolean $recursive

whether to return a tree of child blocks (TRUE) or a 'flat' array (FALSE)

Return value

return a list of child blocks


Possible PEAR_Error values
Error code Error message Reason Solution
SIGMA_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND Cannot find block '$parent' There is no block $parent in the template Check the block name spelling, check whether you added all the necessary blocks to the template


This function can not be called statically.

Вернуться к: HTML_Template_Sigma

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