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Pager::getPageSelectBox() – Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu, to choose the page to display.


require_once 'Pager.php';

array Pager::getPageSelectBox ( array $params , string $extraAttributes = '' )

  • array $params (optional)

    • 'optionText': text to show in each option. Use '%d' where you want to see the number of the page.

    • 'autoSubmit': if true, add some js code to submit the form on the onChange event

  • string $extraAttributes (html attributes) Tag attributes or HTML attributes (id="foo" pairs), will be inserted in the <select> tag.


Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu with the page numbers, useful as an alternative to the links

This example shows how you can create a select box to let your users choose the number of the page to go to.

include 'Pager.php';

$params = array(
'mode'       => 'Jumping',
'perPage'    => 3,
'delta'      => 2,
'itemData'   => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z'),
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);

$selectBoxParams = array(
'optionText' => 'page %d',
'autoSubmit' => true,
$selectBox $pager->getPageSelectBox();

'<form action="' htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" method="GET">';
'<input type="submit" value="submit" />';

Return value

return string with the XHTML SELECT menu.

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