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Вернуться к: HTTP_Download
HTTP_Download::guessContentType() – Guess content type of file
mixed HTTP_Download::guessContentType ( )
Use only if you send a file.
First we try to use MIME_Type, if installed, to detect the content type, else we check if ext/mime_magic is loaded and properly configured.
Returns PEAR_Error if:
- MIME_Type failed to detect a proper content type (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE)
- ext/magic.mime is not installed, or not properly configured (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_NO_EXT_MMAGIC)
- mime_content_type() couldn't guess content type or returned a content type considered to be bogus by setContentType() (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE)
Return value
Returns TRUE on success, PEAR_Error on failure.
This function can not be called statically.
Вернуться к: HTTP_Download