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Вернуться к: HTTP_Download


Intro – Introduction in usage of HTTP_Download

HTTP_Download provides an interface to easily send any arbitrary data to HTTP clients. HTTP_Download can gain its data from variables, files or stream resources.

With this package you can easily handle (hidden) downloads. Hidden means not accessible by the public - for instance if you want to restrict access to particular downloads.

It supports HTTP compression, caching and partial downloads, resuming and sending raw data, for example from database BLOBs.

ATTENTION: You shouldn't use this package together with ob_gzhandler or zlib.output_compression enabled in your php.ini, especially if you want to send already gzipped data!

Usage Examples:

Have a look at the following examples:

Static send:

1  $params 
= array(
2   'file'                => '../hidden/download.tgz',
3   'contenttype'         => 'application/x-gzip',
4   'contentdisposition'  => array(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT'latest.tgz'),
5  );
7  $error 

Send a hidden file:

1  $dl 
= &new HTTP_Download();
2  $dl->setFile('../hidden/download.tgz');
3  $dl->setContentDisposition(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT'latest.tgz');
4  // with ext/magic.mime
5  // $dl->guessContentType();
6  // else:
7  $dl->setContentType('application/x-gzip');
8  $dl->send();

Send arbitrary data:

1  $dl 
= &new HTTP_Download();
2  $dl->setData($data);
3  $dl->setLastModified($unix_timestamp);
4  $dl->setContentType('application/x-gzip');
5  $dl->setContentDisposition(HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT'latest.tgz');
6  $dl->send();

Limiting bandwidth:

1  $dl 
= &new HTTP_Download();
2  $dl->setFile('huge_file.bin');
3  $dl->setBufferSize(25 1024); // 25 K
4  $dl->setThrottleDelay(1);   // 1 sec
5  $dl->send();

Sending a PostgreSQL LOB:

require_once 'HTTP/Download.php';
2  require_once 'HTTP/Download/PgLOB.php';
3  $dl = &new HTTP_Download();
4  $dl->setResource(
5    HTTP_Download_PgLOB::open(pg_connect('dbname=lobs'), 12345));
6  $dl->send();

Вернуться к: HTTP_Download

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