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Вернуться к: Net_NNTP
Net_NNTP::getOverview() – fetch a number of message headers
require_once 'Net/NNTP.php';
array Net_NNTP::getOverview ( string $first , string $last )
Returns all message headers in a certain range of the current selected newsgroup
$first - start message id, start of the range
$last - last message id, end of the range
Return value
array - a nested array indicated by the message id of the article, every entry contains the header as array
$msgs[message_id][headername] = headercontent
This function can not be called statically.
Be careful with choosing the range. It could requires some time to get a huge number of message headers.
Using getOverview()
$ret = $nntp->connect("news.php.net");
if( PEAR::isError($ret)) {
// handle error
} else {
// print the last 10 messages
$data = $nntp->selectGroup("php.pear.dev");
$msgs = $nntp->getOverview( $data['last'] - 10, $data[last]);
foreach($msgs as $msg) {
// print subjects
echo $msg['Subject'].'<br>';
Вернуться к: Net_NNTP