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Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageFileManager


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addPlatformException() – Add an install-time platform conditional install for a file


require_once 'PEAR/PackageFileManager.php';

void PEAR_PackageFileManager::addPlatformException ( string $path , string $platform )

The format of the platform string must be OS-version-cpu-extra if any more specific information is needed, and the OS must be in lower case as in "windows." The match is performed using a regular expression, but uses * and ? wildcards instead of .* and .?. Note that hpux/aix/irix/linux are all exclusive. To select non-windows, use an expression like (*ix|*ux|darwin). If using PEAR 1.3.2 and newer, use !windows.

This information is based on eyeing the source for OS/Guess.php, so if you are unsure of what to do, read that file.


string $path

relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)

string $platform

platform descriptor string


throws no exceptions thrown


This function can not be called statically.

Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageFileManager

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