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PHP_CompatInfo::parseFile() – Parse a single file


require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php';

Array PHP_CompatInfo::parseFile ( string $file , array $options = array() )

Parse a file for its compatibility info


string $file

Path of File to parse

array $options

An array of options where:

  • debug Contains a boolean to control whether extra ouput is shown.

  • ignore_functions Contains an array of functions to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_constants Contains an array of constants to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_extensions Contains an array of php extensions to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_versions Contains an array of php versions to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_functions_match Contains an array of function patterns to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_extensions_match Contains an array of extension patterns to ignore when calculating the version needed.

  • ignore_constants_match Contains an array of constant patterns to ignore when calculating the version needed.


throws no exceptions thrown


since version 0.7.0 (2004-03-09)


This function can not be called statically.

Return value

array - a hash which contains information keys: ignored_functions, ignored_extensions, ignored_constants, max_version, version, extensions, constants, tokens, cond_code


Suppose we have to parse source code like this one, named "conditional.php" :

// PHP 4.0.0 : __FILE__
// PHP 4.0.7 : version compare
// PHP 4.3.0 : ob_get_clean
// PHP 4.3.0 : debug_backtrace
// PHP 4.3.10 and 5.0.2 : PHP_EOL
// PHP 5.0.0 : simplexml_load_file
// PHP 5.1.1 : DATE_W3C

if (!defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) {
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS03) == 'WIN') ? '\\' '/'

if (
function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
$backtrace debug_backtrace();
} else {
$backtrace false;

if (
function_exists('simplexml_load_file')) {
$xml simplexml_load_file('C:\php\pear\PHP_CompatInfo\scripts\version.xml');

if (
version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0''<')) {

"Hello World" PHP_EOL;

$fn  dirname(__FILE__) . $ds basename(__FILE__);
"You have run file : $fn at " date(DATE_W3C) . PHP_EOL;


require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php';

$pci = new PHP_CompatInfo();

$input   'conditional.php';
$options = array('ignore_functions' => array('simplexml_load_file'),
'ignore_constants' => array('DATE_W3C')

$res $pci->parseFile($input$options);

#var_export($res); // no need since PCI 1.8.0

We get such result.

 array (   'ignored_functions' =>   array (     0 => 'simplexml_load_file',   ),   'ignored_extensions' =>   array (   ),   'ignored_constants' =>   array (     0 => 'DATE_W3C',   ),   'max_version' => '',   'version' => '4.3.10',   'classes' =>   array (   ),   'extensions' =>   array (     0 => 'date',   ),   'constants' =>   array (     0 => 'DATE_W3C',     1 => 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR',     2 => 'FALSE',     3 => 'PHP_EOL',     4 => 'PHP_OS',     5 => '__FILE__',   ),   'tokens' =>   array (   ),   'cond_code' =>   array (     0 => 5,   ), )    

That means php simple_load_file() function and constant DATE_W3C were ignored from scope, and PHP version minimum to run is 4.3.10 (in such condition)

Of course it is impossible to run such script with only PHP 4.3.10 because usage of DATE_W3C constant is not conditionned.

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