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Email address validation

Вернуться к: Validate (main package)

Email address validation

Email address validation – Validation for email addresses.

This method validate email addresses against both the general format and the one described in RFC 822.

This method takes two arguments:

  • An email address.

  • An array of options (optional).

Various option are:

  • check_domain (boolean) - Check or not if the domain exists.

  • use_rfc822 (boolean) - Apply the full RFC822 grammar.

  • fullTLDValidation (boolean) - All top-level domains.

  • VALIDATE_GTLD_EMAILS (boolean) - Only generic top-level domains.

  • VALIDATE_CCTLD_EMAILS (boolean) - Only country code top-level domains.

  • VALIDATE_ITLD_EMAILS (boolean) - Only international top-level domains.

How to use Email Validation

Email Validation

The following example assumes that one wants to use RFC822 strict mode to validate email addresses.

require_once 'Validate.php';

$email '"Doe, John" <johndoe@example.net>';
if (
Validate::email($email, array('use_rfc822' => true))) {
} else {
$email ' failed.';

And the following one assumes that one wants to check if the domain exists.

require_once 'Validate.php';

$email 'info@example.com';
if (
Validate::email($email, array('check_domain' => 'true'))) {
$email ' is valid and domain exists';

Вернуться к: Validate (main package)

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