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Вернуться к: XML_RDDL
XML_RDDL::getResourcesByNature() – selects all resources of a specified nature
require_once 'XML/RDDL.php';
array XML_RDDL::getResourcesByNature ( string $nature )
Gets all resources of a given nature from an RDDL document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first. The nature of a resource is specified by the 'xlink:role' attribute. A nature can be a stylesheet, a DTD, a HTML document, etc. You can find a list of well known natures at http://www.rddl.org/natures/.
string $nature - nature of the resources you want to get.
Return value
array array containing all resources with the specified nature.
This function can not be called statically.
Getting all stylesheets from a document
require_once "XML/RDDL.php";
// create new parser
$rddl = &new XML_RDDL();
// parse a document that contains RDDL resources
$result = $rddl->parseRDDL('http://www.rddl.org');
// check for error
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
echo sprintf( "ERROR: %s (code %d)", $result->getMessage(), $result->getCode());
// get all stylesheets
$xslt = $rddl->getResourcesByNature('http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform');
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Вернуться к: XML_RDDL