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Package XML_Serializer Constants
Вернуться к: XML_Serializer
Package XML_Serializer Constants
Package XML_Serializer Constants – Constants defined in and used by XML_Serializer
Constants defined in Serializer.php
Name | Value | Notes |
XML_SERIALIZER_ERROR_NO_SERIALIZATION | 51 | error code returned by serialize() when it did not succeed |
XML_SERIALIZER_MODE_DEFAULT | default | use for default serializer mode behavior |
XML_SERIALIZER_MODE_SIMPLEXML | simplexml | use for SimpleXML behavior in serializer |
XML_SERIALIZER_ENTITIES_NONE | XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE | maps to XML_Util's Entity replacement behavior of "don't replace entities" |
XML_SERIALIZER_ENTITIES_XML | XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML | maps to XML_Util's Entity replacement behavior of "only replace XML entities" |
XML_SERIALIZER_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED | XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED | maps to XML_Util's Entity replacement behavior of "only replace required XML entities" |
XML_SERIALIZER_ENTITIES_HTML | XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML | maps to XML_Util's Entity replacement behavior of "only replace HTML entities" |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT | indent | OPTION constant for 'indent' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_LINEBREAKS | linebreak | OPTION constant for 'linebreak' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TYPEHINTS | typeHints | OPTION constant for 'typeHints' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_XML_DECL_ENABLED | addDecl | OPTION constant for 'addDecl' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_XML_ENCODING | encoding | OPTION constant for 'encoding' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_DEFAULT_TAG | defaultTagName | OPTION constant for 'defaultTagName' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CLASSNAME_AS_TAGNAME | classAsTagName | OPTION constant for 'classAsTagName' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY | keyAttribute | OPTION constant for 'keyAttribute' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE | typeAttribute | OPTION constant for 'typeAttribute' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS | classAttribute | OPTION constant for 'classAttribute' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_SCALAR_AS_ATTRIBUTES | scalarAsAttributes | OPTION constant for 'scalarAsAttributes' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_PREPEND_ATTRIBUTES | prependAttributes | OPTION constant for 'prependAttributes' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_INDENT_ATTRIBUTES | indentAttributes | OPTION constant for 'indentAttributes' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_MODE | mode | OPTION constant for 'mode' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_DOCTYPE_ENABLED | addDoctype | OPTION constant for 'addDoctype' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_DOCTYPE | doctype | OPTION constant for 'doctype' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ROOT_NAME | rootName | OPTION constant for 'rootName' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ROOT_ATTRIBS | rootAttributes | OPTION constant for 'rootAttributes' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_KEY | attributesArray | OPTION constant for 'attributesArray' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CONTENT_KEY | contentName | OPTION constant for 'contentName' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_COMMENT_KEY | commentName | OPTION constant for 'commentName' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_TAGMAP | tagMap | OPTION constant for 'tagMap' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODE_FUNC | encodeFunction | OPTION constant for 'encodeFunction' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_NAMESPACE | namespace | OPTION constant for 'namespace' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_ENTITIES | replaceEntities | OPTION constant for 'replaceEntities' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_RETURN_RESULT | returnResult | OPTION constant for 'returnResult' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_IGNORE_NULL | ignoreNull | OPTION constant for 'ignoreNull' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_CDATA_SECTIONS | cdata | OPTION constant for 'cdata' option |
XML_SERIALIZER_OPTION_FALSE_AS_STRING | falseAsString | OPTION constant for 'falseAsString' option |
Constants defined in Unserializer.php
Name | Value | Notes |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_ERROR_NO_UNSERIALIZATION | 151 | error code returned by unserialize() when it did not succeed |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_COMPLEXTYPE | complexType | OPTION constant for 'complexType' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY | keyAttribute | OPTION constant for 'keyAttribute' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE | typeAttribute | OPTION constant for 'typeAttribute' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS | classAttribute | OPTION constant for 'classAttribute' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_TAG_AS_CLASSNAME | tagAsClass | OPTION constant for 'tagAsClass' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_DEFAULT_CLASS | defaultClass | OPTION constant for 'defaultClass' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_PARSE | parseAttributes | OPTION constant for 'parseAttributes' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAYKEY | attributesArray | OPTION constant for 'attributesArray' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ATTRIBUTES_PREPEND | prependAttributes | OPTION constant for 'prependAttributes' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_CONTENT_KEY | contentName | OPTION constant for 'contentName' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_TAG_MAP | tagMap | OPTION constant for 'tagMap' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_FORCE_ENUM | forceEnum | OPTION constant for 'forceEnum' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODING_SOURCE | encoding | OPTION constant for 'encoding' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_ENCODING_TARGET | targetEncoding | OPTION constant for 'targetEncoding' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_DECODE_FUNC | decodeFunction | OPTION constant for 'decodeFunction' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_RETURN_RESULT | returnResult | OPTION constant for 'returnResult' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_WHITESPACE | whitespace | OPTION constant for 'whitespace' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_WHITESPACE_KEEP | keep | OPTION constant for 'keep' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_WHITESPACE_TRIM | trim | OPTION constant for 'trim' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_WHITESPACE_NORMALIZE | normalize | OPTION constant for 'normalize' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS | overrideOptions | OPTION constant for 'overrideOptions' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_IGNORE_KEYS | ignoreKeys | OPTION constant for 'ignoreKeys' option |
XML_UNSERIALIZER_OPTION_GUESS_TYPES | guessTypes | OPTION constant for 'guessTypes' option |
Вернуться к: XML_Serializer