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Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate


PEAR_PackageUpdate::getLatestRelease – Loads the latest package information from the channel server.


require_once 'PEAR/PackageUpdate.php';

mixed PEAR_PackageUpdate::getLatestRelease ( )

Loads the informations from the channel server.

string license

The license the latest package version is released under.

string summary

A short description about the package.

string description

A long description about the package.

string releasedate

The date of the latest release available from the channel server.

string releasenotes

Description about changes on the package from previous release.

string state

The state of the package release installed (snapshot|devel|alpha|beta|stable).

array deps

The list of dependencies for this release of the package.

string version

The version of the latest release available from the channel server.


since 0.6.0

This function can not be called statically.

Return value

boolean - FALSE if the information was not available.

array - informations about the current installed version of the package (license, summary, description, releasedate, releasenotes, state, deps, version).

Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate

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