Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate
mixed PEAR_PackageUpdate::getLatestRelease ( )
Loads the informations from the channel server.
- string license
The license the latest package version is released under.
- string summary
A short description about the package.
- string description
A long description about the package.
- string releasedate
The date of the latest release available from the channel server.
- string releasenotes
Description about changes on the package from previous release.
- string state
The state of the package release installed (snapshot|devel|alpha|beta|stable).
- array deps
The list of dependencies for this release of the package.
- string version
The version of the latest release available from the channel server.
since 0.6.0
This function can not be called statically.
Return value
boolean - FALSE if the information was not available.
array - informations about the current installed version of the package (license, summary, description, releasedate, releasenotes, state, deps, version).
Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate