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Вернуться к: PEAR
- Introduction to PEAR_PackageUpdate — A package to make adding self updating functionality to other packages or applications easy.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::factory — Factory method for creating PEAR_PackageUpdate frontend instances.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::isIncludable — Determines whether or not a file is includable.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::loadPreferences — Loads the user's preferences from the preference file.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::determinePrefFile — Returns the path to the preferences file.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::checkUpdate — Checks to see if an update is available and the user has asked not to be notified about the update.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::getPackageInfo — Loads the latest package information from the channel server.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::getPackagePreferences — Returns the update preferences for the current package.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::savePreferences — Saves the user preferences to the preference file.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::preferencesAllowUpdate — Checks whether or not the user's preferences allow an update to the latest version of the package.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::releaseType — Returns the release type of the most recent version of the package compared to the installed version.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::getInstalledRelease — Loads the latest package information from the current installation.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::getLatestRelease — Loads the latest package information from the channel server.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setDontAskAgain — Sets the user's "Don't Ask Again" preference for the package.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setDontAskUntilNextRelease — Sets the user's "Don't Ask Again Until Next Release" preference for the package.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setMinimumReleaseType — Sets the user's preference for asking about release types.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setMinimumState — Sets the user's preference for asking about release states.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setPreference — Sets the given preference to the given value.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::setPreferences — Sets all preferences at once.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::update — Updates the source for the package.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::popError — Pops an error off the error stack.
- PEAR_PackageUpdate::hasErrors — Returns whether or not errors have occurred (and been captured).
Вернуться к: PEAR