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Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate
PEAR_PackageUpdate::releaseType – Returns the release type of the most recent version of the package compared to the installed version.
require_once 'PEAR/PackageUpdate.php';
string PEAR_PackageUpdate::releaseType ( )
Returns the release type of the most recent version of the package compared to the installed version. The result will be one of PEAR_PACKAGEUPDATE_TYPE_MAJOR, PEAR_PACKAGEUPDATE_TYPE_MINOR, or PEAR_PACKAGEUPDATE_TYPE_BUG.
This value is used to determine if the user's preferences allow an update for the current release.
since 0.4.0a1
This function can not be called statically.
Return value
string - The release type (bug|minor|major).
Вернуться к: PEAR_PackageUpdate