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Ingres DBMS, EDBC, and Enterprise Access Gateways
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- Примеры
- Ingres Функции
- ingres_autocommit_state — Test if the connection is using autocommit
- ingres_autocommit — Switch autocommit on or off
- ingres_charset — Returns the installation character set
- ingres_close — Close an Ingres database connection
- ingres_commit — Commit a transaction
- ingres_connect — Open a connection to an Ingres database
- ingres_cursor — Get a cursor name for a given result resource
- ingres_errno — Get the last Ingres error number generated
- ingres_error — Get a meaningful error message for the last error generated
- ingres_errsqlstate — Get the last SQLSTATE error code generated
- ingres_escape_string — Escape special characters for use in a query
- ingres_execute — Execute a prepared query
- ingres_fetch_array — Fetch a row of result into an array
- ingres_fetch_assoc — Fetch a row of result into an associative array
- ingres_fetch_object — Fetch a row of result into an object
- ingres_fetch_proc_return — Get the return value from a procedure call
- ingres_fetch_row — Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array
- ingres_field_length — Get the length of a field
- ingres_field_name — Get the name of a field in a query result
- ingres_field_nullable — Test if a field is nullable
- ingres_field_precision — Get the precision of a field
- ingres_field_scale — Get the scale of a field
- ingres_field_type — Get the type of a field in a query result
- ingres_free_result — Free the resources associated with a result identifier
- ingres_next_error — Get the next Ingres error
- ingres_num_fields — Get the number of fields returned by the last query
- ingres_num_rows — Get the number of rows affected or returned by a query
- ingres_pconnect — Open a persistent connection to an Ingres database
- ingres_prepare — Prepare a query for later execution
- ingres_query — Send an SQL query to Ingres
- ingres_result_seek — Set the row position before fetching data
- ingres_rollback — Roll back a transaction
- ingres_set_environment — Set environment features controlling output options
- ingres_unbuffered_query — Send an unbuffered SQL query to Ingres
Вернуться к: Расширения для работы с базами данных отдельных производителей