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ODBC (Unified)
Вернуться к: Уровни абстракции
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- ODBC Функции
- odbc_autocommit — Toggle autocommit behaviour
- odbc_binmode — Handling of binary column data
- odbc_close_all — Close all ODBC connections
- odbc_close — Close an ODBC connection
- odbc_columnprivileges — Lists columns and associated privileges for the given table
- odbc_columns — Lists the column names in specified tables
- odbc_commit — Commit an ODBC transaction
- odbc_connect — Connect to a datasource
- odbc_cursor — Get cursorname
- odbc_data_source — Returns information about a current connection
- odbc_do — Псевдоним odbc_exec
- odbc_error — Get the last error code
- odbc_errormsg — Get the last error message
- odbc_exec — Prepare and execute an SQL statement
- odbc_execute — Execute a prepared statement
- odbc_fetch_array — Fetch a result row as an associative array
- odbc_fetch_into — Fetch one result row into array
- odbc_fetch_object — Fetch a result row as an object
- odbc_fetch_row — Fetch a row
- odbc_field_len — Get the length (precision) of a field
- odbc_field_name — Get the columnname
- odbc_field_num — Return column number
- odbc_field_precision — Псевдоним odbc_field_len
- odbc_field_scale — Get the scale of a field
- odbc_field_type — Datatype of a field
- odbc_foreignkeys — Retrieves a list of foreign keys
- odbc_free_result — Free resources associated with a result
- odbc_gettypeinfo — Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source
- odbc_longreadlen — Handling of LONG columns
- odbc_next_result — Checks if multiple results are available
- odbc_num_fields — Number of columns in a result
- odbc_num_rows — Number of rows in a result
- odbc_pconnect — Open a persistent database connection
- odbc_prepare — Prepares a statement for execution
- odbc_primarykeys — Gets the primary keys for a table
- odbc_procedurecolumns — Retrieve information about parameters to procedures
- odbc_procedures — Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source
- odbc_result_all — Print result as HTML table
- odbc_result — Get result data
- odbc_rollback — Rollback a transaction
- odbc_setoption — Adjust ODBC settings
- odbc_specialcolumns — Retrieves special columns
- odbc_statistics — Retrieve statistics about a table
- odbc_tableprivileges — Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table
- odbc_tables — Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source
Вернуться к: Уровни абстракции