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The HaruDoc class
Вернуться к: haru
(PECL haru >= 0.0.1)
Haru PDF Document Class.
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
( void
bool setInfoDateAttr
( int
, int $year
, int $month
, int $day
, int $hour
, int $min
, int $sec
, string $ind
, int $off_hour
, int $off_min
)Предопределенные константы
Type | Name | Description |
int | HaruDoc::CS_DEVICE_GRAY | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_DEVICE_RGB | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_DEVICE_CMYK | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_CAL_GRAY | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_CAL_RGB | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_LAB | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_ICC_BASED | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_SEPARATION | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_DEVICE_N | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_INDEXED | |
int | HaruDoc::CS_PATTERN | |
int | HaruDoc::ENABLE_READ | |
int | HaruDoc::ENABLE_PRINT | |
int | HaruDoc::ENABLE_EDIT_ALL | |
int | HaruDoc::ENABLE_COPY | |
int | HaruDoc::ENABLE_EDIT | |
int | HaruDoc::ENCRYPT_R2 | |
int | HaruDoc::ENCRYPT_R3 | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_AUTHOR | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_CREATOR | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_TITLE | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_SUBJECT | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_KEYWORDS | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_CREATION_DATE | |
int | HaruDoc::INFO_MOD_DATE | |
int | HaruDoc::COMP_NONE | |
int | HaruDoc::COMP_TEXT | |
int | HaruDoc::COMP_IMAGE | |
int | HaruDoc::COMP_METADATA | |
int | HaruDoc::COMP_ALL | |
int | HaruDoc::PAGE_LAYOUT_SINGLE | |
int | HaruDoc::PAGE_MODE_USE_NONE | |
int | HaruDoc::PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINE | |
int | HaruDoc::PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS | |
- HaruDoc::addPage — Add new page to the document
- HaruDoc::addPageLabel — Set the numbering style for the specified range of pages
- HaruDoc::__construct — Construct new HaruDoc instance
- HaruDoc::createOutline — Create a HaruOutline instance
- HaruDoc::getCurrentEncoder — Get HaruEncoder currently used in the document
- HaruDoc::getCurrentPage — Return current page of the document
- HaruDoc::getEncoder — Get HaruEncoder instance for the specified encoding
- HaruDoc::getFont — Get HaruFont instance
- HaruDoc::getInfoAttr — Get current value of the specified document attribute
- HaruDoc::getPageLayout — Get current page layout
- HaruDoc::getPageMode — Get current page mode
- HaruDoc::getStreamSize — Get the size of the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::insertPage — Insert new page just before the specified page
- HaruDoc::loadJPEG — Load a JPEG image
- HaruDoc::loadPNG — Load PNG image and return HaruImage instance
- HaruDoc::loadRaw — Load a RAW image
- HaruDoc::loadTTC — Load the font with the specified index from TTC file
- HaruDoc::loadTTF — Load TTF font file
- HaruDoc::loadType1 — Load Type1 font
- HaruDoc::output — Write the document data to the output buffer
- HaruDoc::readFromStream — Read data from the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::resetError — Reset error state of the document handle
- HaruDoc::resetStream — Rewind the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::save — Save the document into the specified file
- HaruDoc::saveToStream — Save the document into a temporary stream
- HaruDoc::setCompressionMode — Set compression mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setCurrentEncoder — Set the current encoder for the document
- HaruDoc::setEncryptionMode — Set encryption mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoAttr — Set the info attribute of the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoDateAttr — Set the datetime info attributes of the document
- HaruDoc::setOpenAction — Define which page is shown when the document is opened
- HaruDoc::setPageLayout — Set how pages should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPageMode — Set how the document should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPagesConfiguration — Set the number of pages per set of pages
- HaruDoc::setPassword — Set owner and user passwords for the document
- HaruDoc::setPermission — Set permissions for the document
- HaruDoc::useCNSEncodings — Enable Chinese simplified encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNSFonts — Enable builtin Chinese simplified fonts
- HaruDoc::useCNTEncodings — Enable Chinese traditional encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNTFonts — Enable builtin Chinese traditional fonts
- HaruDoc::useJPEncodings — Enable Japanese encodings
- HaruDoc::useJPFonts — Enable builtin Japanese fonts
- HaruDoc::useKREncodings — Enable Korean encodings
- HaruDoc::useKRFonts — Enable builtin Korean fonts
Вернуться к: haru