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The HaruFont class
Вернуться к: haru
(PECL haru >= 0.0.1)
Haru PDF Font Class.
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
int measureText
( string
, float $width
, float $font_size
, float $char_space
, float $word_space
[, bool $word_wrap
= false
] )Содержание
- HaruFont::getAscent — Get the vertical ascent of the font
- HaruFont::getCapHeight — Get the distance from the baseline of uppercase letters
- HaruFont::getDescent — Get the vertical descent of the font
- HaruFont::getEncodingName — Get the name of the encoding
- HaruFont::getFontName — Get the name of the font
- HaruFont::getTextWidth — Get the total width of the text, number of characters, number of words and number of spaces
- HaruFont::getUnicodeWidth — Get the width of the character in the font
- HaruFont::getXHeight — Get the distance from the baseline of lowercase letters
- HaruFont::measureText — Calculate the number of characters which can be included within the specified width
Вернуться к: haru