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The Lapack class
Вернуться к: Lapack
(PECL lapack >= 0.1.0)
LAPACK is written in Fortran 90 and provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. This extension wraps the LAPACKE C bindings to allow access to several processes exposed by the library. Most functions work with arrays of arrays, representing rectangular matrices in row major order - so a two by two matrix [1 2; 3 4] would be array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4)).
All of the functions are called statically, for example $eig = Lapack::eigenvalues($a);
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
- Lapack::eigenValues — This function returns the eigenvalues for a given square matrix
- Lapack::identity — Return an identity matrix
- Lapack::leastSquaresByFactorisation — Calculate the linear least squares solution of a matrix using QR factorisation
- Lapack::leastSquaresBySVD — Solve the linear least squares problem, using SVD
- Lapack::pseudoInverse — Calculate the inverse of a matrix
- Lapack::singularValues — Calculated the singular values of a matrix
- Lapack::solveLinearEquation — Solve a system of linear equations
Вернуться к: Lapack