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The Threaded class
Вернуться к: pthreads
(PECL pthreads >= 2.0.0)
Threaded objects form the basis of pthreads ability to execute user code in parallel; they expose synchronization methods and various useful interfaces.
Threaded objects, most importantly, provide implicit safety for the programmer; all operations on the object scope are safe.
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
- Threaded::chunk — Manipulation
- Threaded::count — Manipulation
- Threaded::extend — Runtime Manipulation
- Threaded::from — Creation
- Threaded::getTerminationInfo — Error Detection
- Threaded::isRunning — State Detection
- Threaded::isTerminated — State Detection
- Threaded::isWaiting — State Detection
- Threaded::lock — Synchronization
- Threaded::merge — Manipulation
- Threaded::notify — Synchronization
- Threaded::pop — Manipulation
- Threaded::run — Execution
- Threaded::shift — Manipulation
- Threaded::synchronized — Synchronization
- Threaded::unlock — Synchronization
- Threaded::wait — Synchronization
Вернуться к: pthreads