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The Yaf_View_Interface class
Вернуться к: Yaf
(Yaf >=1.0.0)
Yaf provides a ability for developers to use coustom view engine instead of build-in engine which is Yaf_View_Simple. There is a example to explain how to do this, please see Yaf_Dispatcher::setView().
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
- Yaf_View_Interface::assign — Assign value to View engine
- Yaf_View_Interface::display — Render and output a template
- Yaf_View_Interface::getScriptPath — The getScriptPath purpose
- Yaf_View_Interface::render — Render a template
- Yaf_View_Interface::setScriptPath — The setScriptPath purpose
Вернуться к: Yaf