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EventHttp::bind - Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port

Вернуться к: EventHttp


(PECL event >= 1.2.6-beta)

EventHttp::bindBinds an HTTP server on the specified address and port


public void EventHttp::bind ( string $address , int $port )

Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port.

Can be called multiple times to bind the same HTTP server to multiple different ports.

Список параметров


A string containing the IP address to listen(2) on.


The port number to listen on.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE on success. Otherwise FALSE.


Пример #1 EventHttp::bind() example

= new EventBase();
$http = new EventHttp($base);

$socket socket_create(AF_INETSOCK_STREAMSOL_TCP);

if (!
$http->bind(""8088)) {
"bind(1) failed\n");
if (!
$http->bind(""8089)) {
"bind(2) failed\n");

$http->setCallback("/about", function($req) {
"URI: "$req->getUri(), PHP_EOL;


Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:


$ nc 8088
GET /about HTTP/1.0
Connection: close

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Connection: close

$ nc 8089
GET /unknown HTTP/1.0
Connection: close

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 04:14:41 GMT
Content-Length: 149
Connection: close

<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL /unknown was not found on this server.</p></body></html>

URI: /about

Смотрите также

  • EventHttp::accept() - Makes an HTTP server accept connections on the specified socket stream or resource

Вернуться к: EventHttp

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