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apc_add - Cache a new variable in the data store

Вернуться к: APC


(PECL apc >= 3.0.13)

apc_add Cache a new variable in the data store


bool apc_add ( string $key , mixed $var [, int $ttl = 0 ] )
array apc_add ( array $values [, mixed $unused = NULL [, int $ttl = 0 ]] )

Caches a variable in the data store, only if it's not already stored.

Замечание: Unlike many other mechanisms in PHP, variables stored using apc_add() will persist between requests (until the value is removed from the cache).

Список параметров


Store the variable using this name. keys are cache-unique, so attempting to use apc_add() to store data with a key that already exists will not overwrite the existing data, and will instead return FALSE. (This is the only difference between apc_add() and apc_store().)


The variable to store


Time To Live; store var in the cache for ttl seconds. After the ttl has passed, the stored variable will be expunged from the cache (on the next request). If no ttl is supplied (or if the ttl is 0), the value will persist until it is removed from the cache manually, or otherwise fails to exist in the cache (clear, restart, etc.).


Names in key, variables in value.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE if something has effectively been added into the cache, FALSE otherwise. Second syntax returns array with error keys.


Пример #1 A apc_add() example


Результат выполнения данного примера:

string(3) "BAR"
string(3) "BAR"

Смотрите также

Вернуться к: APC

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