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cubrid_field_seek - Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset

Вернуться к: CUBRID MySQL Compatibility Functions


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)

cubrid_field_seekMove the result set cursor to the specified field offset


bool cubrid_field_seek ( resource $result [, int $field_offset = 0 ] )

This function moves the result set cursor to the specified field offset. This offset is used by cubrid_fetch_field() if it doesn't include a field offset. It returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Список параметров


result comes from a call to cubrid_execute()


The numerical field offset. The field_offset starts at 0. If field_offset does not exist, an error of level E_WARNING is also issued.

Возвращаемые значения

TRUE on success.

FALSE on failure.


Пример #1 cubrid_field_seek() example

$req cubrid_execute($conn"SELECT event_code,athlete_code,nation_code,game_date FROM game WHERE host_year=1988 and event_code=20001;");


$field cubrid_fetch_field($req);

printf("\n--- Field Properties ---\n");
printf("%-30s %s\n""name:"$field->name);
printf("%-30s %s\n""table:"$field->table);
printf("%-30s \"%s\"\n""default value:"$field->def);
printf("%-30s %d\n""max length:"$field->max_length);
printf("%-30s %d\n""not null:"$field->not_null);
printf("%-30s %d\n""unique key:"$field->unique_key);
printf("%-30s %d\n""multiple key:"$field->multiple_key);
printf("%-30s %d\n""numeric:"$field->numeric);
printf("%-30s %s\n""type:"$field->type);



Результат выполнения данного примера:

array(4) {
  string(5) "20001"
  string(5) "16132"
  string(3) "KOR"
  string(9) "1988-09-30"

--- Field Properties ---
name:                          athlete_code
table:                         game
default value:                 ""
max length:                    0
not null:                      1
unique key:                    1
multiple key:                  0
numeric:                       1
type:                          integer

Вернуться к: CUBRID MySQL Compatibility Functions

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