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db2_table_privileges - Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database

Вернуться к: IBM DB2 Функции


(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.0.0)

db2_table_privileges Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database


resource db2_table_privileges ( resource $connection [, string $qualifier [, string $schema [, string $table_name ]]] )

Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database.

Список параметров


A valid connection to an IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.


A qualifier for DB2 databases running on OS/390 or z/OS servers. For other databases, pass NULL or an empty string.


The schema which contains the tables. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.


The name of the table. This parameter accepts a search pattern containing _ and % as wildcards.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a statement resource with a result set containing rows describing the privileges for the tables that match the specified parameters. The rows are composed of the following columns:

Column name Description
TABLE_CAT The catalog that contains the table. The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the table.
TABLE_NAME Name of the table.
GRANTOR Authorization ID of the user who granted the privilege.
GRANTEE Authorization ID of the user to whom the privilege was granted.
PRIVILEGE The privilege that has been granted. This can be one of ALTER, CONTROL, DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, REFERENCES, SELECT, or UPDATE.
IS_GRANTABLE A string value of "YES" or "NO" indicating whether the grantee can grant the privilege to other users.

Смотрите также

  • db2_column_privileges() - Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
  • db2_columns() - Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
  • db2_foreign_keys() - Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
  • db2_primary_keys() - Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
  • db2_procedure_columns() - Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
  • db2_procedures() - Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
  • db2_special_columns() - Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
  • db2_statistics() - Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
  • db2_tables() - Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database

Вернуться к: IBM DB2 Функции

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