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dio_write - Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length

Вернуться к: Direct IO Функции


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PHP 7)

dio_write Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length


int dio_write ( resource $fd , string $data [, int $len = 0 ] )

dio_write() writes up to len bytes from data to file fd.

Список параметров


The file descriptor returned by dio_open().


The written data.


The length of data to write in bytes. If not specified, the function writes all the data to the specified file.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns the number of bytes written to fd.

Смотрите также

Вернуться к: Direct IO Функции

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