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event_timer_set - Prepare a timer event

Вернуться к: Libevent Функции


(PECL libevent >= 0.0.2)

event_timer_setPrepare a timer event


bool event_timer_set ( resource $event , callable $callback [, mixed $arg ] )

Prepares the timer event to be used in event_add(). The event is prepared to call the function specified by the callback when the event timeout elapses.

After initializing the event, use event_base_set() to associate the event with its event base.

In case of matching event, these three arguments are passed to the callback function:


Signal number or resource indicating the stream.


A flag indicating the event. This will always be EV_TIMEOUT for timer events.


Optional parameter, previously passed to event_timer_set() as arg.

Список параметров


Valid event resource.


Callback function to be called when the matching event occurs.


Optional callback parameter.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.

Вернуться к: Libevent Функции

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