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imap_status - Returns status information on a mailbox

Вернуться к: IMAP Функции


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

imap_statusReturns status information on a mailbox


object imap_status ( resource $imap_stream , string $mailbox , int $options )

Gets status information about the given mailbox.

Список параметров


Поток IMAP, полученный из imap_open().


The mailbox name, see imap_open() for more information


Valid flags are:

  • SA_MESSAGES - set $status->messages to the number of messages in the mailbox
  • SA_RECENT - set $status->recent to the number of recent messages in the mailbox
  • SA_UNSEEN - set $status->unseen to the number of unseen (new) messages in the mailbox
  • SA_UIDNEXT - set $status->uidnext to the next uid to be used in the mailbox
  • SA_UIDVALIDITY - set $status->uidvalidity to a constant that changes when uids for the mailbox may no longer be valid
  • SA_ALL - set all of the above

Возвращаемые значения

This function returns an object containing status information. The object has the following properties: messages, recent, unseen, uidnext, and uidvalidity.

flags is also set, which contains a bitmask which can be checked against any of the above constants.


Пример #1 imap_status() example

      or die(
"can't connect: " imap_last_error());

$status imap_status($mbox"{imap.example.org}INBOX"SA_ALL);
if (
$status) {
"Messages:   " $status->messages    "<br />\n";
"Recent:     " $status->recent      "<br />\n";
"Unseen:     " $status->unseen      "<br />\n";
"UIDnext:    " $status->uidnext     "<br />\n";
"UIDvalidity:" $status->uidvalidity "<br />\n";
} else {
"imap_status failed: " imap_last_error() . "\n";


Вернуться к: IMAP Функции

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