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ps_get_buffer - Fetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data

Вернуться к: PS Функции


(PECL ps >= 1.1.0)

ps_get_bufferFetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data


string ps_get_buffer ( resource $psdoc )

This function is not implemented yet. It will always return an empty string. The idea for a later implementation is to write the contents of the postscript file into an internal buffer if in memory creation is requested, and retrieve the buffer content with this function. Currently, documents created in memory are send to the browser without buffering.


К настоящему времени эта функция еще не была документирована; для ознакомления доступен только список аргументов.

Список параметров


Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new().

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Вернуться к: PS Функции

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