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xdiff_file_merge3 - Merge 3 files into one

Вернуться к: xdiff Функции


(PECL xdiff >= 0.2.0)

xdiff_file_merge3Merge 3 files into one


mixed xdiff_file_merge3 ( string $old_file , string $new_file1 , string $new_file2 , string $dest )

Merges three files into one and stores the result in a file dest. The old_file is an original version while new_file1 and new_file2 are modified versions of an original.

Список параметров


Path to the first file. It acts as "old" file.


Path to the second file. It acts as modified version of old_file.


Path to the third file. It acts as modified version of old_file.


Path of the resulting file, containing merged changed from both new_file1 and new_file2.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE if merge was successful, string with rejected chunks if it was not or FALSE if an internal error happened.


Пример #1 xdiff_file_merge3() example

The following code merges three files into one.

$fix1 'script_with_fix1.php';
$fix2 'script_with_fix2.php';

$errors xdiff_file_merge3($old_version$fix1$fix2'fixed_script.php');
if (
is_string($errors)) {

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Вернуться к: xdiff Функции

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