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xdiff_file_patch - Patch a file with an unified diff

Вернуться к: xdiff Функции


(PECL xdiff >= 0.2.0)

xdiff_file_patchPatch a file with an unified diff


mixed xdiff_file_patch ( string $file , string $patch , string $dest [, int $flags = DIFF_PATCH_NORMAL ] )

Patches a file with a patch and stores the result in a file. patch has to be an unified diff created by xdiff_file_diff()/xdiff_string_diff() function. An optional flags parameter specifies mode of operation.

Список параметров


The original file.


The unified patch file. It has to be created using xdiff_string_diff(), xdiff_file_diff() functions or compatible tools.


Path of the resulting file.


Can be either XDIFF_PATCH_NORMAL (default mode, normal patch) or XDIFF_PATCH_REVERSE (reversed patch).

Starting from version 1.5.0, you can also use binary OR to enable XDIFF_PATCH_IGNORESPACE flag.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns FALSE if an internal error happened, string with rejected chunks if patch couldn't be applied or TRUE if patch has been successfully applied.


Пример #1 xdiff_file_patch() example

The following code applies unified diff to a file.

$patch 'my_script.patch';

$errors xdiff_file_patch($old_version$patch'my_script-1.1.php');
if (
is_string($errors)) {


Пример #2 Patch reversing example

The following code reverses a patch.

$patch 'my_script.patch';

$errors xdiff_file_patch($new_version$patch'my_script-1.0.php'XDIFF_PATCH_REVERSE);
if (
is_string($errors)) {


Смотрите также

Вернуться к: xdiff Функции

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