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hw_api::insertcollection - Inserts a new object of type collection
Вернуться к: Hyperwave API Функции
(PHP 4, PHP 5 < 5.2.0, PECL hwapi SVN)
hw_api::insertcollection — Inserts a new object of type collection
hw_api_object hw_api::insertcollection
( array
)This function is a shortcut for hwapi_insert(). It inserts an object of type collection and sets some of the attributes required for a collection.
Список параметров
The parameter array contains the required elements 'object' and 'parentIdentifier' and the optional elements 'parameter' and 'attributeSelector'. See hwapi_insert() for the meaning of each element.
Возвращаемые значения
Вернуться к: Hyperwave API Функции