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Objective interface

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The objective interface provides an object-oriented way to access the extended interfaces. The following example shows how the above one would be implemented using the objective interface. The output of this example is exactly the same, except that instead of printing "Not a valid counter!", this will instead issue a PHP warning that the variable $counter_three is not an object. This example shows that it is possible to subclass the Counter class defined by the extension, as well as that the counter's value is maintained using an instance variable rather than method access.

Пример #1 "counter"'s objective interface

class MyCounter extends Counter
    public function 
printCounterInfo() {
printf("Counter's name is '%s' and is%s persistent. Its current value is %d.\n",
$this->getMeta(COUNTER_META_IS_PERSISTENT) ? '' ' not',

if ((
$counter_one Counter::getNamed("one")) === NULL) {
$counter_one = new Counter("one"0COUNTER_FLAG_PERSIST);
$counter_one->bumpValue(2); // we aren't allowed to "set" the value directly
$counter_two = new Counter("two"5);
$counter_three Counter::getNamed("three");


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