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Working with Arrays

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Arrays are stored in HashTable strucures, and have the zval type IS_ARRAY. The API functions for creating, destroying and manipulating these structures as variables are documented here and can be found in Zend/zend_API.h

HashTable as Variable API
Prototype Description
void array_init(zval* pzval) initializes the variable as a HashTable, setting type and appropriate destructor function for the HashTable
void array_init_size(zval* pzval) initializes the variable as array_init with a minimum of size buckets


Do not squint too hard looking for array_destroy: to destroy a variable array you should call zval_ptr_dtor on the variable, if there are no other references to the variable it will result in the array being destroyed.

Indexed Arrays API
int add_index_long(zval* pzval, ulong index, long value)
int add_index_null(zval* pzval, ulong index)
int add_index_bool(zval* pzval, ulong index, zend_bool value)
int add_index_bool(zval* pzval, ulong index, zend_bool value)
int add_index_resource(zval* pzval, ulong index, uint value)
int add_index_double(zval* pzval, ulong index, double value)
int add_index_string(zval* pzval, ulong index, char* string, zend_bool duplicate)
int add_index_stringl(zval* pzval, ulong index, char* string, uint length, zend_bool duplicate)
int add_index_zval(zval* pzval, ulong index, zval* value)
int add_next_index_long(zval* pzval, long value)
int add_next_index_null(zval* pzval)
int add_next_index_bool(zval* pzval, zend_bool value)
int add_next_index_resource(zval* pzval, uint value)
int add_next_index_double(zval* pzval, double value)
int add_next_index_string(zval* pzval, const char* string, zend_bool dulpicate)
int add_next_index_stringl(zval* pzval, const char* string, uint length, zend_bool duplicate)
int add_next_index_zval(zval* pzval, zval* value)
Associative Arrays API
int add_assoc_long(zval* pzval, const char* key, long value)
int add_assoc_long_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, long value)
int add_assoc_null(zval* pzval, const char* key)
int add_assoc_null_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen)
int add_assoc_bool(zval* pzval, const char* key, zend_bool value)
int add_assoc_bool(zval* pzval, const char* key, zend_bool value)
int add_assoc_bool_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, zend_bool value)
int add_assoc_resource(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint value)
int add_assoc_resource_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, uint value)
int add_assoc_double(zval* pzval, const char* key, double value)
int add_assoc_double_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, double value)
int add_assoc_string(zval* pzval, const char* key, const char* value)
int add_assoc_string_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, const char* value)
int add_assoc_stringl(zval* pzval, const char* key, const char* value, uint vlen, zend_bool duplicate)
int add_assoc_stringl_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, const char* value, uint vlen, zend_bool duplicate)
int add_assoc_zval(zval* pzval, const char* key, zval* value)
int add_assoc_zval_ex(zval* pzval, const char* key, uint klen, zval* value)


add_*_string functions that accept a parameter named duplicate, will duplicate the string with estrndup when duplicate is true


add_*_zval functions do not adjust the refcount of the value parameter

To perform more advanced operations on array variables we must use the HashTable API directly.

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