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Вернуться к: Hyperwave API

Hyperwave has been developed at » IICM in Graz. It started with the name Hyper-G and changed to Hyperwave when it was commercialised (in 1996).

Hyperwave is not free software. The current version, 5.5, is available at » http://www.hyperwave.com/. A time limited version can be ordered for free (30 days).

Hyperwave is an information system similar to a database (HIS, Hyperwave Information Server). Its focus is the storage and management of documents. A document can be any possible piece of data that may as well be stored in file. Each document is accompanied by its object record. The object record contains meta data for the document. The meta data is a list of attributes which can be extended by the user. Certain attributes are always set by the Hyperwave server, other may be modified by the user.


Это расширение было перемещено в репозиторий » PECL и больше не поставляется с PHP 5.2.0.

Вернуться к: Hyperwave API

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